Our services

Master the Art of Human Interaction

Our comprehensive services are designed to enhance your ability to understand, communicate, and succeed in every interaction, whether you're analyzing customer behavior, conducting interviews, or refining your communication skills.

Are you awake? Do you see what your saying?

Our body language is a direct reflection of what is happening internally and our body is amplifing the feelings, thoughts, desires of our internal world. With some knowledge and practice you will learn how to control your body to esure the message you want to project is the one that your audience can hear and see. Brings a whole new level to the saying "Say what you mean and mean what you say!"

What do you see?

Is the former Vice President truly aligning with his words (context is important)? Take a closer look at this photo. Does it reveal happiness, anger, disgust, or sadness? Based on his microexpressions, would you respond with a hug, a handshake, or perhaps choose to walk away—or even run? Our training deciphers these subtle cues, empowering you to respond in ways that are both productive and positive. Learn to interpret what lies beneath, ensuring your reactions enhance any interaction.

Timeless Space Creation

Our architecture services prioritize function and form to create spaces that stand the test of time.

Can you see behind the mask?

In a world where understanding and connection unlock deeper relationships and effective communication. At Kraftwerks, we go beyond professional training, empowering individuals to master the art of meaningful interaction. Whether you're in law enforcement, corporate leadership, or seeking to enhance personal relationships, our courses are your key.

We make you fluent in the universal language of understanding, from basic to advanced levels. It’s not just about navigating professional landscapes but also about enriching your personal connections. Imagine effortlessly navigating conversations with loved ones, interpreting unspoken cues, and expressing your deepest thoughts with clarity.

Join us at Kraftwerks, where every lesson is a step towards becoming a connoisseur of connection, adept at building stronger bonds in every aspect of your life.

We offer specialized training tailored to various fields

Public & Private Sectors: From corporate environments to public services, our training programs are designed to enhance communication and behavioral understanding across all levels.

Intelligence & Law Enforcement: Advanced training for those in high-stakes environments, focusing on non-verbal communication, deception detection, and behavioral analysis.

Education & First Responders: Equip educators and first responders with the tools to better understand and respond to human behavior in diverse situations.

Security & Transit Personnel: Training aimed at improving the observational and communicative skills essential for security and transit roles.

Tailored workshops to meet the needs of both individual attendees and organizations.

Public Workshops:
Attend our public workshops, where you can purchase tickets to sessions ranging from Basic to Advanced Body Language Training. These workshops often feature an Intelligence Community motif and are designed to enhance your skills at every level. Upcoming events include topics like Body Language Certification Training, providing valuable insights and practical skills.

Private Workshops:
For organizations in the public or private sector, we offer private workshops designed for groups of 15 to 50 participants. We collaborate with your corporate training or HR divisions to create a customized training package that aligns with your organizational goals.

Certification Preparation:
We provide specialized training and one-on-one coaching for individuals preparing for certifications such as the Registered Body Language Analyst® and the Accredited Professional Body Language Diploma. While we help you develop the skills and knowledge needed to pass these certifications, the actual certification must be issued by the relevant institutions, such as the International Anti Crime Academy and the Complementary Therapists Accredited Association (CTAA).

Unlock Deep Customer Insights & Refine Your Interviewing Skills

Gain the expertise needed to understand your customers and conduct effective interviews, ensuring success in every interaction.Customer Analysis Services
Gain valuable insights into your customers:

One-on-One Interviews: Discover what drives brand loyalty, customer preferences, and areas for potential growth.

Interview Observation: Ensure the honesty and suitability of candidates or interviewees by having us observe and analyze their non-verbal cues.

Interviewing Skills Development
Learn to conduct highly effective interviews:

Behavioral Interview Questions: We help you design questions that reveal true emotions and responses, tailored to your needs.

Interview Training: From job candidates to potential family members, learn how to elicit hidden information effectively without leading to false negatives.

Our Services Explained

Enhance Your Understanding and Communication Skills

Our expert services are designed to help you gain deep insights and master the art of effective communication, ensuring success in all your interactions.

We offer a wide range of training.

Discover our tailored training solutions: from private workshops and comprehensive corporate training for individuals or departments, to public workshops and specialized programs for law enforcement and intelligence communities. We also provide personalized one-on-one sessions. Our workshops typically span 1-2 days, with exceptions for customized trainings and our 'Learn at Lunch' express events, designed to focus intensively on a single component within a series format for thorough coverage. Kinesics training is available from basic to advanced levels, culminating in certification, while Relationship Management, Situational De-escalation, and Leadership Communication are offered in all formats, excluding the express series.

Mastering Non-Verbal Communication

Unlock the power of non-verbal communication with our Kinesics workshop. Dive deep into the world of body language and discover how to read subtle cues to enhance your interactions in both professional and personal settings. This training will equip you with the skills to project confidence, establish rapport, and understand the unspoken dynamics of any conversation. Perfect for individuals looking to take their communication prowess to the next level.

Relationship Management
Building Stronger Connections

Elevate your relationship-building skills with our comprehensive Relationship Management workshop. Learn the art of creating, nurturing, and sustaining meaningful connections in a business environment. This session focuses on empathy, trust-building, and effective communication strategies to foster positive relationships with colleagues, clients, and partners. Ideal for professionals seeking to enhance their networking and relationship maintenance capabilities.

Situational De-escalation
Keeping the Peace

Prepare to navigate high-stress situations with calm and confidence through our Situational De-Escalation training. This workshop offers practical strategies for defusing conflicts, managing aggressive behaviors, and preventing escalation in tense environments. Participants will learn how to apply these techniques in various scenarios, ensuring safety and promoting a harmonious workplace. Essential for individuals in customer service, security, and management roles.

Leadership Communication
Inspiring Action and Change

Transform your leadership style with our Leadership Communication workshop. This training focuses on the principles of effective leadership and persuasive communication to inspire and motivate teams. Discover how to articulate a clear vision, drive change, and foster an environment of innovation and growth. Tailored for emerging leaders and seasoned executives looking to refine their communication skills and lead with impact.

Does she trust what she's witnessing? We don't think so.

Notice the skepticism in her pointed eyes, lips, and forehead, coupled with her arms' positioning and her body's and head's divergent directions. Clutching what seems to be an event program, her telltale signs—darting eyes, pursed lips, and tense brows—speak volumes of her disbelief.